These are letters received from retirees.
Click on the names to go to the letter
Kenneth and Bonnie Kornstett 2016
Received this email from Ken Kornstett March 16, 2016. Ken sent an email update previously in 2001. Here's a link to it: Ken Kornstett 2001
I thought some people may be interested in an update on Bonnie and myself.
I sent an earlier email to John McAdams in 2001. Since then, we have
traveled to both South Africa (2008) and South America (2009). That makes
6 of the 7 continents. We thought about going to Antarctica, but decided
against it. Traveling is a hassle anymore.
We thoroughly enjoyed Kruger Park in South Africa, but we were surprised
by and liked both Chile and Argentina. We now travel via books.
Yes, we finally made it to all 50 states. At the time of that 2001
letter, we had not been to Wisconsin and Alaska. We made it a couple of
years later.
In the last five years, I have written 10 radio astronomy articles. One
was an application note for Parallax (microcomputers) and the other nine
were for the Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers journal. Last month, I
published an ebook on that tractor that I described painting in that 2001
email. Just type my name into the Amazon website and it will come up. I
have a few more ebooks in the pipeline to be published soon. Believe it
or not, I got into taking critter pictures with a trail camera (it will be
the next ebook for Amazon). (See the last enclosed picture 20 Aug 10 Doe
with twin fawns for an example picture.)
We still live on the same farm. We quit selling blueberries to Walmart
because they almost worked us to death. They kept wanting more every time
we made a delivery to the store. We keep busy trying to make the farm
look like someone lives here (mowing grass, weedeating, chasing cows,
burning brush piles, etc.) Like others, we are slowing down each year.
I still read and both Bonnie and I are both on our 39th reading of the
Bible. We have self published about 40 booklets.
I look at the ESY website every month.
Still enjoying retirement on the farm.
Ken & Bonnie Kornstett
Enclosed are a few pictures from those two trips:
- at a small border crossing back into South Africa.
- Bonnie and giraffe in Kruger Park, South Africa.
- Bonnie and I in a restaurant in Chile having a great time
- Bonnie and I in front of a volcano just before a 12 hour trip over the
Andes by 3 boats into Argentina. A volcano erupted 60
miles south the night before.
- Bonnie driving a bus. People did a double take when
they saw her. (Although she finished obtaining her pilot's license after
we returned home in the early 80s.)
- In a windy place in Argentina.
- Bonnie showing the cook at a sheep ranch in Argentina how she finishes
off fried pies
- Twin Fawns
At a border crossing
Driving a bus
Windy Argentina
Fried Pies Argentina
20 Aug 10 doe with twin fawns
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----- Forwarded Message
From: <>
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2007 23:27:11 +0000
Subject: Christmas letter 2007
Holiday greetings from the Harthcocks in Mexico!
We hope this finds you feeling great. This past year, Marvin has
been troubled with heart palpitations. His medications have been
changed; and, fortunately, all of his EKG’s have been OK.
Helaine has been going to physical therapy and it’s helped a
little. But, things could always be worse!
As we wrote last year, we put our house on the market. It didn’t
sell; so, we didn’t renew the sales contract. We decided to stay
a while longer even though the stairs are difficult for Helaine—it is
good exercise for both of us!
For our 37th wedding anniversary in August we went to a resort in the
mountains, about a three-hour drive from here. There’s a nearby
village where knives are hand-made. We also went there and bought
a few. We had a very enjoyable trip.
As before, we continue to be involved with The Golden Strings of Lake
Chapala. Marvin is now the President and Helaine continues as
Secretary/Treasurer. As you might recall, we provide music
lessons and instruments to indigent children. Under the auspices of
this program we’ve also established a scholarship program for needy
students entering high school (which isn’t free). The junior hi
student must have at least a scholastic grade average of 80 in order to
be eligible. In order to remain in the program they must also
maintain at least an 80 average. We currently have many in the
program who have averages in the 90’s. Our scholarship program
includes the cost of tuition, books, lab fees, lab coats and
uniforms. It doesn’t include food nor transportation costs (no
school bus service is available; they must ride the regular bus).
It’s a very gratifying program.
Our grandson recently returned safely from Iraq serving as a
medic. We’re hoping he’ll have an opportunity to visit us before
he returns to Camp Pendleton on January 7th.
We don’t have any special plans for the holidays other than we’re
invited out for dinner on Christmas Eve and dinner on New Year’s Day.
We have new e-mail addresses: OR If you’re interested, we
have a web site: We hope to soon
establish a web site for The Golden Strings. Our snail mail
address remains the same: Apartado #821, Chapala, Jalisco.
Mexico 45900. Our telephone number also remains the same:
011-52-376-763-5093 (from the U.S.)
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Helaine & Marvin
-------------------------Original Message--------------------------
From: marvin <>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2006 12:14:34 -0600
Subject: Christmas letter - 2006
Merry Christmas (2006) & Happy New Year (2007) from
The year started out by celebrating our birthdays. Marvin hosted
a surprise birthday party for Helaine at our favorite little restaurant
in the nearby village. Then, in February, Helaine hosted a
birthday party for Marvin in the same restaurant. The unique
thing about it was his gift from our maid—a German shepherd
puppy. The bows were larger than the puppy. But, you should
see her now; she’s about the size of a miniature horse & her name
is Princess. She & our Chihuahua, Rubio, get along quite
well; but, he lets her know that he’s the alpha animal! Both are
outside dogs. The cats continue to rule the roost in the house!
Much the same as with previous years, we’re continuing our involvement
with The Golden Strings. We had a successful fund-raising concert
on Dec. 10th. In February and March, Marvin had both eyes
operated for cataracts. He says he can see better than ever
We cooked an enormous Christmas dinner for our maid, Luz, and all her
family and some other guests. There were around twenty
altogether. Marvin roasted a turkey with all the trimmings.
Some had never had that before!
Marvin continues to teach in the nearby village junior high school,
(down to two days a week.) High school in Mexico is not free.
Marvin manages a program to support (currently 25) students with
scholarships to high school. They must be poor and maintain a
scholastic average of 80 or better. We only want to provide an
opportunity where none existed before.
Now for a touching story. Mary Lou Manzie, a divorced lady from
Maine, (then 58) bought a house last November in our sub-division to
start a new life. Shortly thereafter, she asked Marvin to show
her the computer lab we’d built at the local junior high. While
there, she asked what he needed. He told her that since they had
no phone lines, there was no internet which he thought the students
needed. She said “Consider it done!” She went to the
wireless provider, paid for the installation & a year’s worth of
monthly fees. In October, she passed away due to a brain
tumor. A good friend of hers from Chicago wrote to friends &
acquaintances requesting donations in Mary Lou’s memory for the local
junior high. She also said that she would match all
donations! We’re looking forward to her visit the end of
December. We’re already receiving donations.
We’ve put our house on the market for sale. The steps have become
so difficult for Helaine. If the house sells, we’ll relocate
somewhere in close proximity but in a one-story house.
We look forward to hearing from everyone—better still, come to visit.
Have a healthy & prosperous new year.
Helaine & Marvin
Mailing address: Apartado #821, 45900 Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico
E-mailing address (new this year):
Telephone no. (from the US.). 011-52-376-763-5093
----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom White"
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2006 8:53 AM
Subject: Your Christmas Letter
Hi Marvin and Helaine,
Darrell was good enough to forward your Christmas letter to me. I
really enjoyed reading about your year. Sounds like you are enjoying
life down there while doing a lot of good for the community and kids.
I would like to put your Christmas letter on the Retirees web page if
you have no objections. It would be added on to Since
you already have one letter there, I am pretty sure you would not
object, but thought I should ask.
Marvin & Helaine Harthcock
Apartado #821
45900 Chapala
Jalisco, Mexico
Phone: 011-52-376-35093
Sure' if you think anyone would be interested in reading it.
If you need further clarification on anything, please let me
know. As you probably know, I have multiple sclerosis; so, my
mobility is very limited. Whenever we go out of the house, I use
a wheelchair. Around the house, I can get by with a cane--I have
one upstairs, one downstairs & one by the door for whenever we
leave the house. I no longer drive because I have very little use
of my left side; therefore, I just don't feel comfortable behind the
wheel. All of my typing is done with my right hand. Well,
enough about that!
It was good to hear from you.
Happy New Year!
-------------------------Original Message--------------------------
From: Marvin & Helaine <>
Date: 6/11/2000
Subject: Thanx & greetings
To: <>
Hi guys,
Thanks so much for sending the picture and info on ESY retirees.
Do you think it would be appropriate to mention something about us in
the info about retirees? We are retired in Mexico (the Lake Chapala
area--one of 2 of the most temperate climates in the world according
to the National Geographic because a temperate climate is what my
neurologist in San Antonio recommended because of my MS. And, we
would love to hear from any of our co-workers via e-mail, mail,
telephone or what have you.
Last month Marvin did substitute teaching in the 5th grade in the
little village near here. He had 28 students. Of course, all of the
classes were taught in Spanish (subjects: Spanish, math, natural
science, geography and history). He really enjoyed it. Since he does
not have a work permit, all of the work was free! A mastodon was
recently uncovered near here; so, one day he took his students to see
that--which should be a very historical, memorable occasion for
Just last week I started taking a new medication for the control
of MS.It is not approved by the FDA; however, the nurse who developed
it had almost the same symptoms as I do. Unfortunately, it is not
available here and costs $250 a month. I had a telephone interview
with a doctor in Washington, he forwarded the prescription to a
compounding pharmacist in McAllen and a doctor from here picked it up
for me. I was able to get a 2-month supply because it has a shelf
life of only 70 days.
Do you know much about MS? It ain´t much fun! I´m lucky
that Marvin likes to cook cause I don´t usually have the energy.
He gave me a dishwasher for Christmas and most of the time it´s
all I can do to load it. The maid empties it. How much does it cost
for a maid? We pay the going rate, it´s about a dollar an hour;
she works three half-days per week. We also have a gardener & he
makes a little more--about $10 for 8 hours of work!
We sure would like to have you come to visit sometime. Our house
isn´t anything fancy--a small 2-story, 2-bedroom, 2-1/2 bath but
it´s adequate for us. Most people ask about the fact that we
bought a 2-story house with my having MS. Some days it´s very
difficult but it is good exercise for me. I´m sure hoping that
will soon change. I´d also like to be able to be more
independent and be able to drive again.
We hope to hear from you again real soon.
Helaine & Marvin
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From: Kenneth Kornstett
To: John McAdam <>
Date: Monday, February 05, 2001 7:46 PM
Subject: Update
Since retiring in 1995, Bonnie and I have taken four
international trips to Turkey, Israel, St. Maarten, and Greece. The
Greek trip included an Aegean Sea cruise which brought back memories
of when I used to work on missile tracking ships for RCA. Also, we
sold a house in Texas, built a house in Missouri, and tore down an
old farm house. In the midst of that, we spent a winter in
Florida near where we used to live in the late
sixties. Last year, we celebrated our 40th wedding
We have been rather healthy except that I severely twisted my
ankle in 1998. It has taken over two years for my ankle to get back
to normal. Jerry Bryant told me it was a sign of old age.
However, that ankle has slowed me down by keeping us from traveling
to Wisconsin and Alaska which would then allow us to say we have been
in all 50 states. I got back into writing software programs while my
ankle kept me in the house.
We live on an 80 acre hill farm about 25 miles from where we grew
up, so we know a lot of people. This is the farm that we bought upon
returning from Australia in the early 80s. Our home is one mile off
the paved road, on a county gravel road, and our nearest neighbor is
over a mile away. We can not see any houses because of the trees and
the hills. The wildlife includes deer, turkey, coyotes, geese, and
ducks. By the way, John, I have gotten a couple of shots off at
coyotes, with a 30-06, since moving up here. People seem interested
in the weather here, but the last three winters have been mild as is
usual for the southern area of Missouri where we live, but this
winter has been unusual everywhere.
We restored an old 1951 Ford 8N tractor (new wheel rims, clutch,
paint, radiator, etc.). It is a working tractor, and I use it to mow
about seven acres in the summer. Enclosed is a picture of how that
tractor looked while it was tore down last year. We have had a
bumper blueberry crop the last couple of years (145 + gallons per
year). Last summer, we sold Wal Mart 400 pints of blue berries.
I am enclosing two pictures of the blueberries. One
picture is of blueberries on the bush and the
other picture is of blue berries in the store. Our blue berries
are in in the green pint boxes to the lower right of the "2 for $5"
sign. In the last few years, we have just about got the farm to
where it looks like someone lives here again.
I still read a lot, and I am currently on volume four of
Winston Churchill's A History of the English Speaking Peoples. In
addition to the above, we write, speak, and show slides of our
travels to religious sites in Israel, Turkey, and
Greece. Bonnie and I are on our 24th reading of the Bible
(48 times completely through from cover to cover for both of
As you can see, John, we are probably busier now than before we
retired, but we are happy. We even found a good BBQ place in town
and a nearby country store has ice cream that has made us forget
how good Blue Bell ice cream was. There is even a decent airshow at a
nearby town each year.
I hope this brief summary fills you in on what we have been doing.
My phone number is (573) 568 2418.
Ken Kornstett
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From: "Ben Hudson" <>
To: "Tom E White" <>
Subject: General Update
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 10:09:27 -0600
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Priority: 3
Hi Tom
It was great to hear from you after all this time. Ken had
notified me that you had asked for my email address. A lot has
happened to both of us since we last talked. I could certainly
undestand why you sold your farm and moved back to Richardson. Having
been raised on the farm, I couldn't wait to get away from it. After
leaving I never had a serious thought about going back. There is an
old saying: "Don't be enslaved by your possessions." I think they had
owning a farm in mind when they said that.
In February of 1999 I had major surgery to repair an aneursym in
my abdomen to the main artery going to the heart. This was a time
when the Springtime yard work needed to be started. By the time I
recovered enough to start that Ann had already started looking at
retirement homes in the area. I admit it was becoming harder each
year for me to keep up our yard but I wasn't ready to go back to
apartment living. We found a Baptist Retirement Center in Burnet,
Texas where you could have a house built on their land and all yard
and house maintenance work were provided. Of course this required a
monthly maintenance fee. The house could only be sold back to the
Retirement Center. This could be at any time while we were living or
by the estate after our passing. This seemed to be exactly what we
were looking for. So in May 2000 we sold our house in Rockwall and
moved into our new house in Burnet. Ann informed me shortly after we
signed our contract for the new house that there was no way that our
furniture would work properly in that house. These women can be
pretty tricky sometimes. Ann certainly enjoyed furnishing the house
and I keep asking if she is finished with it and she keeps insisting
that she has just a little more to go.
I have been playing golf as often as the weather will permit. The
preacher and a couple of other men at the church try to play about
once a week and I have been playing with them. I still hit the ball
pretty well but my score is usually determined by how I putt which
usually isn't very good.
Our address is 701 Applewood Drive North, Burnet,TX 78611. Phone
is 512-715-9830.
Hope to hear from you soon,
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From: <>Mort Spooner
To: <>John McAdams
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 6:40 PM
Subject: Hello
Hi John,
Just heard from Bill Ersthather and received your E-mail address
and the ESY retirees web page address. Your web page is very
After 15 years at Garland working under Chuck Farmer, Bill Hooker,
and Gene Stapp, I retired just ten years ago and my wife and I moved
to the Naples-Ft. Myers of Florida. We built a new home on a golf
course called Wildcat Run and have lived there ever since. We love
it. I play a lot of golf and my wife and I play duplicate bridge 2-3
times each week. We both recently achieved the status of Life
As we have 4 children who live in various cities around the
country, we also spend a lot time traveling to see them and their
children. Presently we have 10 grandchildren.
We also do quite a bit of time traveling out of the country. Our
latest we were gone for about 6 weeks, which included a 30 day cruise
from Singapore to Auckland, NZ.
Your monthly meetings sound very nice and I would love to attend
them to see some of my former ESY friends. Keep them going.
Please put my E-mail address in your mail box.
Mort Spooner
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From: <>Mary
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 4:14 PM
Subject: New address for Mary
Hi everyone!
We moved across the street (don't ever do that - Have you ever
tried to carry all your belongings one at a time). You would think
anyone who was in charge of moving all those employees over the years
would have better sense! At any rate this feels more like home each
day. When Jim and I stop working contract maybe we will decide where
will build!! Neither one of us like to clean or do yard work, so this
is great living in a condo! I just finished a 14 month contract with
Motorola in Global Immigration. YOu can teach on old dog new tricks.
It was such great fun, especially after Sept. 11th. Think I will
travel with Jim for a while if they will let me. The Texas Land Board
wants me to work for them now, but think I will take a rest. Here is
the new address:
12340 Alameda Trace Circle #1904
Austin, Texas 78727
Mary Melton
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From: "Hugh French" <>
Subject: Greetings from Florida
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 08:14:35 -0400
Dear Tom,
As you may remember, I retired from ESY in May 1992. We sold our
home on Lake Ray Hubbard along with all of our furniture, stored much
of our personal "stuff" and left for sunny Florida in our pickup,
packed full of what would need for life on a 40 ft twin diesel
trawler. We moved aboard near Sarasota, and for nearly three years,
we cruised nearly 3000 miles including the East Coast to the
Chesapeake Bay, east to the Bahamas, south to the Florida Keys, and
west to the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
In 1995, we docked at Burnt Store Marina in Charlotte Harbor, ten
miles east of Boca Grande Pass, near Punta Gorda, FL. It didn't take
us long to realize that this was where we wanted to settle down. We
built a house, sold the boat, and joined a new community of friends,
mostly retirees. Since then Millie and I have done some travel:
Canada, the Pacific Northwest, Cruises, and frequent visits to the
Virgin Islands where 2 of our children have lived and worked since
1989. Also our annual visit to Texas to visit our son and his wife in
In the spring of 1996, we discovered a grapefruit-size mass in my
left chest cavity, attached to the outside of my lung. It was
promptly removed and found to be benign, thankfully. In 1998, lower
back pain resulted in additional surgery for a herniated disc. Millie
suffers from atrial fibrillation, Macular degeneration, loss of
hearing in one ear and has short term memory impairment. Other than
that, we're in pretty good shape for the shape we're in.
We keep busy in various ways: We now have a 26 ft. diesel lobster
boat for fishing and cruising nearby. We participate in sail boat
race management at Platinum Point Yacht Club. I'm completing my
second term on the BOD for our condo association. Also I write
articles for our community newspaper and play keyboard with a group
of septuagenarians.
We'll look forward to attending the December meeting of ESY
retirees and visiting with you and our many great friends in
Best regards to all,
Hugh French
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Date: Tue, 16
Dec 2003 22:56:00 -0500 (EST)
Subject: hello
To: Webmaster <>
Original-recipient: rfc822;
I wish everyone at old Esy a very Merry Christmas and healthy New
Year. Sue and I moved from Albuquerque in October to Green Valley
Arizona...We are about a mile from Bill Lafferty and his new bride...We
have 5 clubs or associations..all have tennis, golf, swimming .
etc. all are within 6 miles of our house..great life..sure wish I
could get to big D and attend one of your meetings.
We hear from Bob Bailey all the time, he is in London for the
winter..sailed across four years ago... has cruised all over Europe..
will see him this Feb when he makes his annual visit to the states..
Our health is good...hope that it stays that way...big plans for
04..maybe we can stop by big D in July or August. We are planning a
long RV trip around the US and to Norway in July or August.
Regards to all...address..2324 W. Calle Balaustre. Green Valley Az
Bill Ersthaler
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Date: Sun, 14
Dec 2003 16:43:59 -0600
From: pojhome <>
Subject: Medical status
To: Tom White <>
X-Priority: 3
Original-recipient: rfc822;
I'm still feeling well and have a positive attitude about my brain
tumor condition, although I spent last weekend at Presby Hospital after
suffering a minor seizure at home on 06 December. They discharged me
last Tuesday evening after taking a PET scan image of the head (a
positron emission tomography image uses radiofluorine to pinpoint areas
of the brain where the metabolism is highest). My radiation oncologist
said it looks like a small part of the tumor has returned. I'll see my
neurosurgeon next Wednesday to hear what he think needs to be done
(being a surgeon, he'll probably want to cut). The oncologist said if
the surgeon goes in, he'll probably remove the part that has recurred
and insert in its place a small latex balloon with a catheter running
out through the scull through which he can use a syringe to insert some
radio-iodiine to irradiate the bad cells from nearby. Then, after a few
days, he'll remove the iodine, leaving me with an air-filled balloon in
my head.
It all sounds pretty exotic. I'll keep you posted after my meeting with
him Wednesday morning. Please request Dotty to request prayers for me
from the retirees as I continue this therapy.
Much thanks,
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2003 17:04:20 -0600
From: pojhome <>
Subject: Re: Medical status
To: Tom White <>
X-Priority: 3
Original-recipient: rfc822;
I saw my neurosurgeon this morning to receive his diagnosis after
having studied the x-ray images they took of my brain last week in the
hospital. He said the tumor has returned. Although it is not quite as
large as it was originally, it's big enough to go in after. So we set
up next Monday (12/22) for surgery at Presby Hospital. I'll be
discharged the following weekend.
After he removes the new tumor, he'll insert a balloon in the original
cavity with a catheter leading to a patch under the scalp through whch
my oncologist can use a syringe to insert some radioactive iodine to
irradiate the surrounding cells. This is apparently a routine technique
I'll be thinking of you all on Christmas day and wishing you all
a happy holliday. I solicit your prayers and good wishes this week
while I'm away from home.
I still have a positive attitude about this whole business and plan to
join you at the January retirement luncheon.
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2003 09:10:55 -0600
From: pojhome <>
Subject: New Year's Greetings
To: Tom White <>
X-Priority: 3
Original-recipient: rfc822;
I think I've slipped my writing schedule since my message of Dec 14. To
summarize, my surgeon went in on Dec 22 and removed a small
regrowth of my tumor. In the resulting cavity, he implaced the
small balloon. He discharged me on the 23rd and I had a delightful
Christmas week at home with my elder daughter and son-in-law visiting
from Baltimore.
I'll see my oncologist today to determine when he will fill the balloon
with radioiodine. I'll see my surgeon next week to have the staples
removed from the incision. The surgeon remarked that if the tumor
returns for a third time (something he expects to happen), he won't
operate again. I'll have to ask him why not.
I'm now on the prayer list for the congregation at NorthPark
Presbyterian Church. I remain convinced that with God's help, I can
become a positive example for other patients with this particular type
of malignant brain tumor. My message to them will be "Surviving means
never losing hope."
I am so fortunate to have so many good friends on my side offering so
many prayers in my behalf. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 20:05:54 -0600
From: William Hulse <>
Subject: A visit with the Wiz ........
To: Tom White <>
Original-recipient: rfc822;
Tomas ...
Spent an hour or so with POJ (Paul Johnson) on Saturday. Both he
and Myrna are recovering (POJ from his surgery, Myrna from her
emphysema) and doing well. They have employed a rather stout lady
named Pat to help Myrna with POJ while he is still in the process of
regaining his strength and in need of help to rise and bathe.
POJ, though weak from his ordeal, looks and sounds great ...
Bubbles with enthusiasm, and is optimistic and ready to get back to his
post as resident guru (Wizard) at “The Science Place.” He
and I reminisced about our time together and the great science we
shared ... All in all, a very successful and reassuring hour.
Paul and I worked together for some four or five years while he ran the
IR&D group within Space Systems. Never have I had a better
experience with a supervisor or friend. Paul is a consummate
scientist and teacher, and is a joy to work with. Through our
many trips together, he instructed me in the fine arts of working with
the sponsor and in the ways (and means) to get things done when dealing
with the government. He and his sweet wife have been good friends
for years and it is very difficult to watch these two endure the pain
and uncertainty they have experienced. We spoke of grandchildren
and family and he shared his joy with pictures and anecdotal tales
their mighty deeds and accomplishments.
The times I have spent with this grand good gentleman have been God’s
gift to me and my family. POJ has always been, at first my mentor
and second my boss ... First my friend and second, grand man of science.
With some assurance I can say ... I am more for having walked along
this way with this man named Paul.
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Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 23:25:38 -0400
From: Chuck <>
Subject: Re: Retirees web page update
Original-recipient: rfc822;
I visited your web site, and read some of the letters that had been
sent in. Thought I'd write one too, you might want to post with
your next update. I did it in Word, but if you'd rather copy
and paste it in as text, that should work either way.
Chuck Barbour
Hi to all the old E-Systems gang.
Since I never worked for Raytheon, there is no allegiance to that
name, but E-Systems was a great place to work. I think the
dedication and commitment to excellence and camaraderie of the
employees made it a very special place to work.
I took an early retirement in 1993 from E-Systems, thinking it was time
I got out of the business after 27 years. And retiring at 55
sounded like the sensible thing to do. Spent the next couple of
years traveling, dabbling with some home business ventures, and making
some modifications and improvements to the house. In late 1995 I
made the mistake of responding to an invitation and attending the 25th
anniversary of our original program. There I got my arm twisted
by some TASC personnel, and they talked me into coming back in the
business to work for a couple years. That was almost 10 years ago
now. So much for retirement !, eh? I get close to
thinking about retirement seriously, but Janice had breast cancer two
years ago, and I had bypass surgery and a mechanical valve replacement
last May, so I stick around mostly for the insurance coverage, until I
am sure we are both stable. Isn’t it ridiculous how expensive
medical care and medication is now days?
Interesting event shortly after E-Sys retirement…I was sitting around
planning a house to build on some land we own in Central Florida.
Janice asked me one day what I was doing. “Designing a house to
build in Fla.!” She responded, “Going to go down there and live
by yourself?” I said, hey, we’ve talked about this! She
responded, “No, “you’ve” talked about this. All the kids and
grandkids live within 10 miles of us here, and I’m not moving 900 miles
away.” Isn’t it interesting how we think we are
communicating? Remember the cliché “ I know that you
believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am sure you
realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” Anyway, I’m
trapped in the high rent district, so guess I’ll work another year or
Some of the web site letters mention playing golf every chance they
get. I recall taking golf lessons in college. Shortly after
completing the course, a neighbor came over with an invitation to
play. We did not have a golf cart, so we walked the course.
After 18 holes, he persuaded me to play another round since we had
plenty of daylight left.. After hook, or a slice, 6,7,8 putt the
greens, over and over, and a very long day, I decided GOLF was
not my game. I’d rather be fishing. I haven’t been on
a course or played golf since, but I go fishing “every single
day”. I only take the boat out sometimes on weekends, but every
day at lunch or after work I stop by one of many little ponds or a
reservoir in the area and fish for 30 minutes, sometimes maybe an
hour. If I can’t retire, at least I can pretend to live like I am.
I hate that I live so far away, in Virginia, that I can’t come to your
luncheons. Sounds like you have a good time, and sit around and tell
old sea stories. Tell all the gang I said Hello, I miss them, and
if any want to email me, I’d enjoy exchanging additional data and
reminiscing about old times.
Take care,
Chuck Barbour
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Date: Sat, 02 Jul 2005 09:19:42 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Russian Adoption Completed
To: Webmaster <>
Original-recipient: rfc822;
Serena and I returned from Russia three weeks ago with our two new
daughters. Oksana Catherine is thirteen years old, and Anastasia
Elizabeth is six. Our other adopted daughters are Anna (10)
and Maya (9). Four children (and three grandchildren
nearby) definitely keeps us busy.
Besides working with the children, my new passion is grape
breeding. I did some interesting hybrids this year, hoping to
make some better varieties for north and east Texas.
Richard Ellison
1160 Rowley Mile
Fairview, TX 75069
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Letter from Roy Van Pelt to Dottie Vaughn, circa
Dear Friends and Family,
I have had a slow recovery from surgery to remove a cancerous kidney in
May. The prognosis after that was good, but I have felt overly
tired and I went to the doctor last week to find out why. After a
check-up and CT scan, I was diagnosed with terminal cancer. It is a new
cancer, not present just a few months ago and is growing rapidly. My
good doctors have no cure. I surely didn’t expect a hopeless
diagnosis, and did not plan on leaving this world so soon. God must
have a different plan for me. My body doesn’t feel like fighting and I
am ready when the time may come.
Marilyn, my strength, is going to see me though this and I am blessed
to have her with me and to have shared my life with her. She is an
angel on
Earth and will be one in Heaven. Aaron, Holly, and their girls Alaina
and Elyse are nearby. Andrea just flew in from St. Louis and Pauline is
coming down from Pittsburgh at the end of this week to spend time and
help us out. My family is everything to me.
It is only natural for me now to spend time reflecting on my life and
remembering all those who have meant so much to me. Through my
childhood, school, working life and retirement you have been most
cherished. Even as I send you this sad news, I am thankful to be able
to say goodbye. No matter how long it has been since we have spoken,
hugged or shaken hands, you have always been on my mind and in my
heart. I take with me all of your smiles and memories of the good times
we shared.
I send my best wishes to each of you.
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Letter from Nanette and Gene Slaughter
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 00:18:39 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Hello from New Mexico
To: Webmaster <>
Original-recipient: rfc822;
Just wanted to let everyone know we are moving back to Texas.We will
come out in a couple of weeks to start looking for land.The area we
will be interested in will be south of Dallas.Probably within 50 mi.If
anyone has land to sell let us know.
Gene and Nannette Slaughter
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Letters from Howard Lehr
Subject: Howard's Illness
Date: May 13, 2008 12:45:47 PM CDT
Hi Tom,
Sorry that we have not kept you informed about my medical situation.
So let me bring you up to date:
In Oct 2006 it was found that I had blood flow restrictions
to/from my heart. Bypass or stents were not an option.
At that time the installation of an ICD (defibrillator/pacemaker
in my chest), medication and blood thinners has been the plan.
In late March it was discovered that that my blood pressure was
extremely low.
I came home after getting some blood, but returned to the
hospital to analyze and correct the blood loss situation (bleeding
While in the hospital to correct this situation I had my first
attack. It took them more than 45 minutes CPR to restart my heart.
In late April I had another attack caused by a synchronism
problem between heart chambers.
After some recovery from the above, the ICD was removed and
replaced with a newer model that should take care of the synchronism
I came home last Friday and doing pretty good. We have home care
nursing and a physical therapist coming 3 times a week.
Again, sorry for not keeping you and others more informed. And for that
reason I am copying others with this.
Howard (Humble Howie)
Subject: FW: Note and forward
Date: May 11, 2008 3:59:51 PM CDT
I’m back home again and loving it. Still pretty weak and can only walk
a few steps but working on it. Have home nursing and physical therapy
coming next week.
Love to all and thanks again for all your payers and thoughts. Dr. says
I’m his miracle boy and I think you all are part of the story.
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